Saturday 1 September 2012

Partylite, party delight!!!

Lastnight I had a party to feed my addiction, it wasn't an ordinary party it was a specialist party aimed at addicts such as my self.......I had a partylite candle party.

I am obsessed with candles and always have them burning round the house when I'm in. I have fragrances to suit all occasions from hiding bad odours to creating an atmosphere. I even burn scents to go with the seasons floral and fresh for summer and warm and spicy scents for autumn and winter.

I contacted a company called Partylite candles who's entire business is candle parties. The parties are free to host in your own home with a consultant to show case the product. All you have to do is invite friends and family to join you and put out the nibbles.

My consultant was called candice arrived earlier than the guest to set up some products in her sparkly partylite t-short and at 7pm my guests arrived to the beautiful aroma of the candles the consultant had lit and the amazing display of the candles. It was all stunning. The weather was bad outside making the room darker and making the room all warm and cosy.

The consultant started with explaining what Partylite candles are and what makes them so special. She than went on to play a game which caused lots of giggles and the winners got to keep the prizes. Which was a tea light. She than went on to explain the different products showing us how to use them and how to get the most out of them. I found this really useful and realised where I'd been going wrong in the past.

We had a break for some nibbles and than we were all handed a catalogue and order form. Candice was on hand to offer advise and assistance. She explained about the benefits and commission and even managed to get 2 more parties booked from my guest who wanted to have a party to show there friends.

As I was the hostess of the party I get commission on all the sales. To my advantage my commission covered my order and I even had to order more to make up the rest. Which I didn't complain about at all..... Well who would in total my order came to over £60 but didn't cost me a penny dude to my commission.

I would definitely recommend Partylite party's for a girlie night in. The ambiance from the candles with a nice glass of wine and being able to shop in comfort are all appealing qualities to me. I am definitely going to have more parties in the future and I would definitely have candice as my consultant again. She was friendly, polite, helpful and she had a giggle with us to while still being professional.

If you fancy having a partylite candle party and you live in the northwest definitely message candice. Her email is and tell her i sent you. She comes with my full recommendation if you don't live in the northwest you can visit the Partylite website and book a party that way.

Now you will have to excuse me the new catalogue goes live today with all the Christmas candles in. Do you think I'm addicted???

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