Monday 3 September 2012

A sigh of relief

Today I had my Consultancy appointment regarding my gall bladder. For months on end I have suffered with gall bladder attack. Finally the day were I would get answers has arrived.

After a particular bad gall bladder attack last night I was ready for a fight to get this horrible pear shaped organ removed . I was prepared with a list of why I think it has to be removed.

• it's ruling my life
•it's spoiling time with my son
•my son thinks its normal to lift the toilet seat up and pretend to be sick
•my poor hubby has lost his wife to the bathroom floor and toilet.
•I can cope with the pain and discomfort anymore
•it's stopping me from doing so much
•it's causing problems at work

With this list in my head I walked into the consultants office ready to hear what he had to say. The first words were well I think after reading your notes the best options would be to remove your gall bladder. The relief I felt was amazing.

He said the words I longed to hear. My battle with his is soon to Be over. Yes I know I'm crazy being happy about an operation but it's a means to an end and I can finally get my life back to normal.

This has been a dark cloud over my head since just before h was born so over 20months. Now there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel.

The doctor said that the op could happen in the next few weeks. Roll on Than. The sooner the op the sooner the recovery the sooner I can be ME again.

Yay !!!!!

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