Tuesday 18 September 2012

A Day in the life of me - hospital edition

6.30am- I'm woken up to have my obs done, Im absolutely shattered I did not sleep well at all but who does in hospital.

7am- I'm given a gown and asked to have a shower and not to apply anything onto my skin.

7.15am - showering in the toilets Is an experience in its self. I had to try and shower avoiding the shower chair and trying to not soak the entire bathroom/ ward toilet.

8am- all showered a doctor come over to go over some details I start to think maybe I'm going down first until she leaves the conversation at your last on the list.... Great the waiting game ha begun.

9am- still waiting others have gone down before be who only arrived this morning grr. People are eating there breakfast I'm very jealous since I've been put on nil by mouth.

10am- still waiting more people have gone down, none have come up as yet. Getting very nervous now. Hubby called and told me Harrison been looking for me and asking me, this cause a mini cry session. The lady in the bed next to me starts chatting she talk more than me but I'm very thankful for since she's keeping my mind occupied.

11.42am- a lady who went for her op this morning has just come back she seems ok which makes me feel better since we're in for the same op. the nurses give out knife and folks and skip pass me my tummy is growling.

11.47am- finding it hard to concentrate I've got lot to keep me occupied kindle phone, tv and none of them are really working apart form blogging. Why am I do nervous I wanted this op as much as I needed it So I shouldn't be moaning, complaining or even nervous but I am. People watching I usually my fav thing to do but today I'm not as into it even though I'm in a prime place.

12.04pm- lunch time on the ward, it's like some kind of torcher especially since I can here them offering the desserts out. Ice cream, sponge pudding the list goes on mmmm to say I'm jealous is an understatement and my tummy growls are giving me away. I shall sit here and sulk. Ps I'm still waiting

12.26pm- another person has arrived for there op, my luck they will go down before me for the op.

13.42pm- I'm still waiting, a few more people have gone down and a few more have come up. I'm missing my hubby and baby boy like mad but the ladies on the ward are keeping me going. Hubby just called and I told him since today is our 3 year wedding anniversary and I'm having an op I should get lots of presents. He laughed... Does that mean I'll get my presents or not???? Ps I'm still nil by mouth and starving.

14.30pm - I'm called to go for my op, nerve kick in and I start talking for the sake of taking. I'm taken to a room ad left the there with a grumpy man that I'm pretty sure hates his job. A bit later they come and get me, I'm wheeled to a room with lots of animal this is where they give me the good stuff to put me too sleep. I feel I slight ache I'm my ha and than I'm away.

Between 17.00 & 18.00 this parts slightly patchy as I was still out of it a lot I'm told that I woke up very chatty but mainly nonsense. Think that's why I wasn't in recovery long. I'm still completely out of it back on the ward apparently I managed to text hubby but I haven't a clue what I said or did.

19.00- hubby comes yay I'm too sleepy to be good company but he stays with me anyway and between dosing off he tell he can at 3am to be there for my op but they wouldn't let him stay so he sat near by for a bit than went home ad waited bless him, that's when I apparently text him. Hubby stays until visiting times over and he leaves me to sleep.

21.00- I'm given some toast but I can't keep my eyes open do I nod off.

22.00- I wake up and have some toast this makes me projectile vomit across my bed. The doctor passes me a bowl than leave So I try and get the attention of a nurse. Once she come to change my bed she also hanged my gown she takes the head of my drip to get the gown on which across the new gown and clean bedding blood goes everywhere. So she sorts that out and starts again with clean bedding an a clean gown. All this time I'm sat in the commode trying to have my 1st wee and falling asleep with my kickers round my ankles. A classy lady me. While this is happening another lady projectile vomiting in the bathroom ad another screaming in pain after pulling something going out to smoke. Thinking back now i feel for those poor nurses there was only 2 on the whole of the ward and we were hogging them In bay 2.

23.00- I Seattle for the night with my blanket from home and I have a lovely deep sleep only waking once to go to the toilet with I walked to after the last disaster with the commode. I thank get back in be an fall in to a beautiful deep sleep.

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