Tuesday 26 June 2012

Mission yummy mummy week 2

Well this week has been a up and down week. I have definitely upped my exercise doing a fitness programme in the mornings when I can and the wii in the evening. This part has improved and it has done what I thought an made me feel a lot better and healthier.

Food wise, this has definitely been a roller coaster with an early week wobble, a family meal and a sneaky cream donut yesterday what a customer bought all the staff especially. Be rude not to eat it.......

So now for the moment of true. This week I have lost drum roll please.... 2lb. That's 9lb in total over 2 weeks. I'm pretty happy with that. I wanted to lose 14lb in 4 weeks. I'm still on target for that I have 5 lb left to lose and 2 weeks to do it. I'm confident I'll do it.

I've made some nice meals this week. My favourite being chicken chassuer rice and green veg. I'm really enjoy cooking, knowing what's in my food and knowing it's doing us all some good.

This saturday daddy peacock and me are going to do the first of our come dine with me date night. I'm going first and have decided to do an Indian food theme. I've looked through my books and have decided on my starter and dessert but still unsure of the main. I'm aiming to do the whole 3 courses using less than 10 syns. I'm getting quite excited.

I'm aiming for a 3lb loss this week. Continuing with exercising and eating healthy. Yummy mummy here I come.

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