Friday 24 May 2013

hair today gone tomorrow

Today has been a very emotional day for me as a mummy, i have seen my toddler go from looking baby faced and cute to looking all grown up.... and still cute. i know hes growing up and i know i cant keep him a baby forever, i just wish the time wouldnt  go so quickly, i feel like i cant keep up.

it all started a few weeks ago when i notice little dudes hair was getting too thick and he was getting too warm with it. since he was 13moths old he has had thick curly hair and as it grews i just got it trimmed but with him getting more and more active i thought it was time to get his haircut shorter. after a long coversation with daddy peacock we decided we would look into a hair cuts that would keep his signature curl but be a bit more practical.  so one sunday morning on my day off work and daddy peacock was in work i started googling hair cuts ready to take little dude on the tuesday. during my ssearch i came across a you tube video of how to do it myself so i sat little dude down on the floor on the bathroom, covered him with a towel and set to work, follwing the directions from the video. little dude was so good sitting still and listening to me as i directed his head position. the end result looked good apart from a very short fringe.

2 weeks after the first time i cut little dudes hair i noticed it was getting bulky at the back so i turned back to  my trusty you tube video for more direction and set to work chopping more of little dudes hair off this time going shorter. i have to admit,it looked good even when brushed the only problem was i thought i could do better so the next night i went shorter and ended up at a point of no return and a child with an uneven hair cut.

for the past week i have been looking at his uneven hair debating weather to take him for a proper hair cut or just let this dodgy hair cut grow out, daddy peacock wanted to leave it and let it grow where i just sat on the fence. i was regretting ever touching his hair remembering what i said to daddy peacock when little dude had first arrived in the world and thta was to never let me give him a home hair cut.....hence why i did it while daddy peacock was in work.

this morning while we were decididing what to do for our family day off, daddy peacock mentioned he needed to nip for a hair cut so we came up with the plan that we would take little dude for one too and as a reward go swimming afterwards. sat in morrsion cafe having breafast we discused how we would get little dudes hair cut even getting his input which was to snip snip snip it. so off we went to the barbers daddy peacock went first than little dudes went in the chair next to him. i asked the barber for just a trim but i think because of my dodgy home cut a trim turned into a corrective hair cut he was just to polite to say. before my eyes my floppy haired baby turned into a proper grown up little boy with a propper little boys hair cut. i thanked the barber and left the salon. once back in the car i couldnt hold back and i poured my eyes out. every time i looked back at my little dude i just could control myself. daddy peacock gave me a big hug and kept telling me he looks good but that wasnt why i was crying. while little dude had all his curls he still looked babyish whith them all gone he looked grown up and i felt like he was growing up too fast and the years were going far too quickly.

despite all the tears i love his new hair cut and so does he. every time we show him he gets excited and tells us all about the barbers experience. even in the short time he has had his grown up hair we have notced lots of benefits. after swimming his hair was dry extra quick and in a ruley matter were as usually its still wet when were home an than dries all wirey.

i know my baby has to grow up sometime and i know he will always be my baby its just it scares me every time we leave a baby related thing and enter a more grown up stage. the next step is potty training and turning his babyish room into a big boy room. when your first expecting your baby you for some reason think the baby stage goes on forever and you dont mentally prepare yourself for any of the big boy stuff past walking. i know today was only a hair cut but as a mother it symbolises him getting older and no longer being that sweet little baba in my arms and is now a beautiful and intelligent little boy who you can have mini conversations with and can tell you exactily what he likes and doesnt like. he still looks super cute and i still have many years before hes leaving the nest, i just hope the years slow down as the past 2 years was zoomed past.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Finally getting somewhere

Lately people have started to notice my weight loss which I have to admit i love and find it a huge motivation when people praise me for how well I'm looking.

I've not lost a huge amount nor have I dropped loads of dress sizes but people are noticing and i feel good. I've lost 21lb up to now and my journey to be and a yummy mummy is far from over, every little helps.

I've upped my water intake and started using an app that records my fluid intake which helps me stay on track with that. If I'm honest I've not noticed all the differences that I'm supposed to the only absence is the bloating has gone I use to get from diet coke.

The other thing that's helping me stay on track is mine and hubby's bet to stop being wasteful, we have stopped all take aways including getting lunch while we at work. This has worked because we also not buying many snacks and there's no late night snack runs either.

I've been exercising more too due to the nice weather we've been having I've been taking advantage of the beautiful park we live near and going for power walks round the lake. I've been really enjoying this time and so has the dog. Its not making much impact on my weight as yet but its getting my some fresh air. I also sorted out back garden out after our bad winter and that was a job an a half due to living at the back of a vally, my whole body ached when I had finished which should have done me some good.

I've also been setting myself little challenges for example the 777 challenge where you eat speed foods, only have 7 syns and drink at least 7 glasses of water for 7 days. I've done the healthy extra b challenge where you try different b choices over 7 day. I find doing challenges like this stops me from getting bored and keeps food optimising fresh and fun.

looking at it over the last few week its definitely something that fits in with me and my young family. It promotes healthy eating without cutting anything out and I think it shows a good example to my son. its a balanced diet without going from one extreme to the other like a lot of diets that are "fashionable" at the moment. As a mother to a young and impressionable children I think its import for me to show this and I think slimming world helps me do just that and I don't say diet in front of Him, We all eat the same thing, I fill hubby and toddlers plate with 1/3 veg or salad and give fruit as snacks instead of pre packed foods just what I do for myself.

I think now I'm on the right track and I have changed how I look at food optimising the worlds my oyster, yeah I'm going to have the odd binge, yes I'm going to have weeks i gain but he main thing is I have slimming world there to help me the right way. When me and my husband decided to add to our family I will definitely be getting my midwife to sign me the forms to let me continue as I know it will be safe and healthy for me and the baby while controlling my weight , something I wish i had done in my first pregnancy.

Friday 12 April 2013

The 777 challenge

To give myself a kick up the bum with my journey to be a yummy mummy I have decided to do the 777 challenge, I'm not sure if it is an actual challenge that slimming world promote but I've seen it on lots off forums. I don't know if it even boast your losses, I'm doing it to refocus myself on the plan.

The challenge is simple for 7 days I have
7 syns a day
7 super speed/speed foods a day
7 glasses of water

If I plan ahead all should be fine..... Wish me luck


Thursday 11 April 2013

Waste,waste, waste!

This month me and daddy peacock have been forced to look at our finances, this was due to our car breaking down unexpectedly over Easter. The hefty repair cost has left us short in our disposable income account this the the money that isn't promised to bills or savings. with being short we were baffled why. We sat down and calculated all our bills and expensive and what was left at the end did not add up to what we had.....we had to look deeper and was shocked when we did.

Each week I do a weekly food and household shop online, i spend between £40-£80 depending on what we need.
With a toddler the price of nappies etc can hoist up the cost but we do buy in bulk and when there are offers on so we save in the long run. The main bulk of our shop is fresh fruit, meats and vegetables in keeping with my slimming world food optimising.

All sounds good so far......

While we were looking at our finances our asda delivery came, as I was putting it away I was throwing all the things that had gone off or wasn't enable anymore. 30 minuets later I was carrying 3 carrier bags full to the bin of all our waste. That set alarm bells ringing. i worked out how much food we had put in the bin by putting it in to the asda app, it worked out at around £30 worth off food give or take if we had used some. I was mortified.

How did this happen????

Take aways!! we worked out that over the 2 weeks previous we had, had a lot of take aways and worked out that we spent around £159 that's including buying ready made sandwiches on days out and eating at local restaurants. Though this doesn't include buying lunches when at work which probably amounts to £5 a day each and than there's the odd bits we pick up In terms of fizzy drinks and snacks etc..... It was ridiculous. So the food we bought in our weekly shop wasn't getting used.

Enough was enough all that waste and only thing to show for it was expanding waistlines. We were waisting food because we were being lazy, using the excuses that we were to tired to cook. I can't help bit think of all the things the thing that money could have been used for if were were just going to waste it. I am ashamed if us.

Things have to change!

The peacock family plan of action!
We want to change this behaviour for the better but to do that we have to go back to basic. for the next 3 months we are literally going back to what basic means to us.
•no take aways
•no fizzy drinks
• no buying lunch at work-all food must be prepared at home using food from home
•weekly shopping only to enter the house .
•no snacks or goodies to be bought unless In the weekly shop
• meals must be planned for minimum waste I.e make In bulk use item in more than 1 meal.
• learn to plan cooking around life obstacles- if you know a hectic day is coming pre plan and cook it a day early or cook on a less hectic day and freeze to make life easier.

So far we are nearly 7 days into it and I have to say I actually feel better, all food is home cooked healthy meals, no fizzy drinks and I've upped my water intake and I haven't spent a penny this week
Only on bus fairs. The healthy eating has made me feel so good I actual went out for a power walk and enjoyed it and I am sticking to slimming world too.

I can't not believe this is how we have behaved it not good for us and its setting a bad example for our son. This weekend were off as a family normally we would eat out but instead a nice walk somewhere to get some fresh air with a homemade picnic to eat either while we're out or in the car depending on the weather and a nice home Cooked tea to looked forward to when we get home.

Saturday 6 April 2013

What a diffrence a year makes

A year ago I was in such a dark place, I hated my life, I hated the world and I just wanted to disappear, I just didn't want to exist anymore. I was suffering from depression.

I thought I was being silly and selfish, I had everything I could wish for an amazing loving husband, a healthy beautiful baby boy and supportive family not to mention material things that were "supposed" to make you happy. I thought I just needed to give my head a wobble , I thought about what others thought of me of how stupid I was being crying all the time, staring into space, shutting out the world including my beautiful family.

Eventually it took people who were not so close to me to tell me I needed help, I thought I was hiding it so well, I thought it was only me who could see. It was that shock that made me realise I needed to go and get help. Before I did I spoke to my amazing husband he could see I needed help but didn't know how to tell me. Another huge push to get me to go and seek help.

In the doctors I wanted to stay strong but as soon as I looked at her I cried and cried telling her how pathetic I was being, telling her im so selfish. The emotions just poured out of me and I have to say it was a relief to say my thoughts out loud.

The doctor put things in perspective for me explaining exactly what depression is. It was NOT my fault I had it, it wouldn't just disappear if I gave my head a wobble and I wouldn't be suddenly cured if I simply got a grip. These are all the expression I've heard associated with depression and to be honest all I really knew..... No wonder I was so hard on myself if this was all the knowledge I had and many others too.

After medication and support I finally started being me again, I lost me for a long time it was hard, it was a struggle but I got though it and i have I say I am proud of myself. I've had to re educate myself on depression and others round me too. There is such a taboo about depression and I think that is part of the battle for people suffering because they don't know if they are, what to do and like me think there selfish and need to give there head a wobble simply because we are not knowledgable enough and people just put it down to being a bit down. I have had to teach my self the difference between feeling depressed and just being a bit down, there is a huge difference and I'm lucky enough to be able to help and manage these feelings now.

a year on and I can say the dark clouds have definitely lifted, I'm enjoying being a mummy again, a wife again and I can see the bright days ahead. I'm attempting to lose weight and exercise to which I'm just doing the Hokey Cokey with but hey that's
Fine because I'm happy. I'm enjoying all the things I loved before reading, doing my hair, make up and nails. going for long walks with my little family and planning ahead for the future. All things I stopped doing while suffering with depression. I just wanted to sleep or sit on the sofa and not move or be bothered.

Blogging has been a huge part of my journey, I wanted to get my story and opinions of depression out there. I wanted to make people more aware and change the way it is perceive especially as I was guilty of thinking it was self induced and not an actual illness like it is. I am also happy that my blog has actually helped people after reading my journey they realised they were suffering too and took steps in getting help. Its even more amazing that like me they have reached the other side and have even guessed blogged about there journey.

Depression is hard as it is without small minded and unknowable people passing judgement. I was lucky mine was only mild compared to others. the doctor put it in perspective for me and my depression as it was linked to my post natal depression she said you wouldn't blame a person suffering with diabetes for not producing enough insulin so why would you blame a person suffering with depression for not producing enough
"Happy hormones". This has always stuck with my and when I hear people dismissing depression I always tell them this........ It certainly makes them think!!!!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Excuses, excuses EXCUSES!!!!

I have not wrote a blog for a long time this is due to my epic fail of not being able to complete my march fitness challenge and due to lack of time.

So here's my excuse for failing my march challenge.........

My amazing hubby has been working very hard these past few months in his new job, this has turned me to parenting and housekeeping alone. Due to this I have found an even greater respect for single parents out there because this last month has been tough. I get up at 5.30am Start my day and don't sit down till 9pm in between there's work, washing, cleaning, cooking bath times, bedtimes and food shopping. There has been no time what's so ever for exercising I haven't even had the time to bath alone and have had to share my bath time with my toddler who loves to see how far he can get water out of the bath/ bathroom so with shampoo in my eyes Im constantly say no, taking toys away And having to hide my products behind me as he is the the phrase of copying mummy and daddy.

Any way that's the excuses for that epic fail out the way.....

Excuses seem to be the only thing standing between me and my mission to be a yummy mummy. Apart from that I am a total slimming world geek, I'm constantly looking for new recipes and having a nosey on Instagram when I'm on my way home from work or Sitting down to eat a meal u am totally obsessed with it yet I'm still not where I want to be. I only have me to blame. I k ow this wearing plan works, its a dream eating plan nothing's off limits..... What's my problem???????????

I think until I stop with the excuses
• when hubby work calms down ill Seattle back in
•when summer comes ill be more active and eat more salads
•one day off plan won't do any damage
•I just haven't got time

Until I stop these and just get on with it ill constantly be battling with myself.

If I can't find the time to actual exercise I need to get off the bus a few stops earlier and walk more, if hubby on dodgy shifts than I need to start batch cooking and freezing food and most of all I need to give my head a good wobble and kick my bum into gear.

Now lets go for an amazing loss this week.

Sunday 10 March 2013

#missionyummymummy day 6-9 march challenge

Well i have been quiet on the blog front dr a few days, this isn't because in not doing my challenge its just life has been very hectic this week and in order to fit in my challenges I've had to use my time more wisely and unfortunately blogging has took a back seat.

Daddy peacock is opening a new store with the company he works for so he been a busy bee so I've been working and single parenting for a few days as poor daddy peacock hasn't seen baby peacock since Monday due to his 17 hour days and I know they are missing one another. Especially on Friday when baby peacock asked me if he could have a daddy cuddle. It breaks my heart but its no forever.

Due to daddy working late me and baby peacock are getting home late and bedtime moved later and by the time story and milk times over I'm downstairs preparing and making tea for when daddy peacock comes home. This Is when I'm fitting in my 30 minuets challenge.

Now my exercise hasn't been adventurous but i am sticking to the rules. I have mainly been doing the 30 minuet free step on the wii. Mainly because its always still set up so I can put tea on and jump on the wii board. This weeks there more off the same ahead but I'm going to plan a bit better to fit my challenge in better and do more than just free step.

I am noticing a difference and it does make me good, I'm definitely going to see this through till the end and hopefully improve my fitness and up my game. This challenge is showing my no matter how busy you are you can fit something in, no matter how small and it still makes a diffrence.